| Environment | Sport | Community | Small Business

| Environment | Sport | Community | Small Business

Welcome 👋 to learn more about Independent Kal Glanznig’s Council candidacy for A Ward.

Why is he running?

To stand up for what makes our Shire great.

Cleaning our waterways & beaches

Create cleanest waterways and beaches in Greater Sydney by reducing plastic pollution and investing in stormwater filtration. Improve Gunnamatta Bay’s water quality rating from the current POOR to GOOD by 2026.

Investing in community sport

Support weekend sport by building better sporting fields, investment in drainage and infrastructure to ensure weekend sport isn’t cancelled.

Keeping the Shire Vibe

Supporting small business to thrive in both day & night trade, creating vibrancy in our town centres.

Improving safety for all residents

Improve accessibility, foot paths, lighting and introducing community education that helps address issues ie. E-Bikes. Creating better community consultation processes to ensure the needs of the community are addressed.

Get to know
Kal Glanznig!

Kal, 24 years of age is a local resident and Sutherland Shire Young Citizen of Year 2020 & Environmental Citizen of Year 2023;

Co-Founder Plastic Free Cronulla; 2 x Youth delegate & speaker at United Nations Climate Conference.

Kal is running as an Independent Councillor for A Ward to ensure young people are part of the decision making process & we create a Shire where all current generations and future ones can enjoy the same way of life we have now.

Why we’re backing Kal

Help us make change today

As an independent our campaign is not backed by major parties or big business with vested interests, it is backed by the community. Every donation is tax deductible & helps us pay for important campaign materials to help Kal win September 14!

Get in Touch!

As independents we represent the community and want to hear from you. If you have any questions, want to speak or arrange a meeting with Kal please fill out this form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.